Create Virtual Harddisk Using DISKPART Open the Elevated Command Prompt with Administrator Privileges and type the following commands: DISKPART CREATE VDISK FILE="c:\win7\win7.vhd" MAXIMUM=20000 SELECT VDISK FILE="c:\win7\win7.vhd" ATTACH VDISK CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY ASSIGN LETTER=X FORMAT QUICK LABEL=Windows7 EXIT This will create the VHD file of primary partition. You will see the newly attached disk in Disk Management with Drive Letter X: Attaching and Detaching VHD in Windows 7 Right Click on My Computer and Click ' Manage ' that will open up Computer Management , in that click on Disk Management . Just like previous part. Then Right Click on Disk Management and select 'Attach VHD'. This will open new windows 'Attach Virtual Hard Disk ' Click on OK and that will attach the existing Virtual Hard Disk. Now, if you don't want to make write anythin...